Claudia Silas Claudia Silas

Beyond the Surface: Exploring the Transformative Power of Somatic Yoga

In a culture inundated with images of the ideal body and external markers of success, the practice of yoga and other bodywork modalities has often been hijacked by a focus on appearances. In this exploration, we uncover the true essence of somatic yoga, one that transcends superficial standards and embraces the innate wisdom of our sensations and bodily experience.

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Claudia Silas Claudia Silas

Why Yoga Is More Than Just A Physical Practice

Many people consider yoga to be only a physical exercise practice, but even if you don’t delve deep into the realms of its history or spiritual elements, you may still find yourself on a journey that extends far beyond the confines of the mat. Here are eight unexpected ways that a physical yoga practice can bring about transformation:

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Claudia Silas Claudia Silas

8 Ways to Embrace Cycles, Rituals, and Ceremony in Modern Life

In the hustle and bustle of our contemporary lifestyles, the wisdom found in the rhythms of cycles, the sanctity of rituals, and the essence of ceremonial practices often elude us. The integration of these practices can help us to ground amidst chaos, and connect us to the sacred which is seemingly not around us.

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Claudia Silas Claudia Silas

Discover the Magic of Hands-On Yoga: How Adjustments and Assists Transform Your Practice

One of the most enjoyable ways to enhance your yoga practice is through adjustments and assists. These supportive, hands-on techniques, often offered by experienced instructors, can make a world of difference in your yoga journey. In this blog, we'll explore why adjustments and assists are valuable tools that can elevate your practice to new heights.

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Claudia Silas Claudia Silas

The Truth About Yoga: Debunking Common Misconceptions

Yoga has gained tremendous popularity over the years, and with it, a slew of misconceptions and myths have arisen. We will debunk some of the most common yoga myths to help you gain a clearer understanding of this ancient practice.

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Claudia Silas Claudia Silas

The Biopsychosocial Model of Health: A Holistic Approach to Wellness

In our pursuit of health and well-being, it's essential to recognise that human health is not solely determined by physical factors. Instead, it's a complex interplay of biological, psychological, and social elements. The biopsychosocial model offers a holistic perspective on health that considers all these facets.

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